The diagnostic questionnaire provided on this website allows the user to determine the choice of the job analysis system and methods.
Organization Diagnostic Questionnaire
In terms of the environment, the diagnostic asks if the organization is public or private, US based or Foreign, for profit or not for profit, and whether it is the headquarters or a business or operating unit. In that same section on environment the diagnostic asks key questions regarding the industry sector and how regulated is the industry/organization. In addition, it also requests information on the six key stakeholder groups and their influence and engagement with the organization. The diagnostic also solicits information on the vision, mission, values and beliefs of the organization and the organizations general, value chain, and specific business strategies. The last section of the organizational diagnostic questionnaire is the organizational capabilities requirements for the organization to execute its overall strategy within the environment and organizational strategies.
The People Strategy Diagnostic
The second series of questions on the diagnostic are associated with the organization’s people strategy. Grahall breaks an organization’s people strategy into its organizational structure, processes, staffing and culture models. These four concepts can also be measured on a scale from simple to complex. If the organization has many layers of management, significant advisory, or regulatory staff it would speak toward a more detailed and highly developed method of job analysis in order to capture the appropriate and required insight into the positions. If the processes such as knowledge management, decision making, planning, for example, were also similarly complex a simple job analysis approach would not satisfy the needs of the organization and the employees.
The HR Functional Strategy Diagnostic
The last portion of the organizational section of the diagnostic questionnaire is how the HR Function strategy will impact the choice of systems and methods. In addition to the choice of the system, the capability and staffing of an HR Function influence if the job analysis systems and methods will be simple or detailed.