Job Analysis GDS 50

GDS 50 Job Analysis
Vice President of Human Resources
January 17, 2021

Section : Knowledge and Background

1. Knowledge and Background

An ability to read, write, count, and communicate with others. It can be learned in a few weeks.
An ability to do basic office, trade, or technical duties. This knowledge is either learned on the position or in specialized training which lasts a period of several weeks to a few months.
Vocational trade, technical or administrative skills or the ability to provide work direction to others. One or two years of work experience or specialized training is needed.
Advanced vocational trade, technical or administrative skills plus knowledge of a specific area of the Organization or first level supervision over vocational level workers. These skills are typically gained through two or more years of experience and/or through a two year Associate Degree or formal vocational training program.
The knowledge and application of theories and principles of a discipline. This is usually gained through at least four years of college (or its equivalent) and two to three years of experience and or the ability to provide in-depth expertise related to services or for policies and procedures in a functional area.
Integrate and apply complex principles of a science, art or a recognized discipline, or to understand and manage complex operations, processes or operation. Involves frequent use of theoretical concepts and approaches to plan and execute complex projects.
Technical mastery of a complex science, art or discipline and/or interpretation and application of theories and principles from several fields of study or operation. Involves frequent use of theoretical concepts and approaches to plan ad execute complex projects.
Significant experience in managing others and applying organization specific know-how in order to achieve key operating results and or expertise in one or several technical or business administration disciplines gained through extensive experience (8 years+); OR post graduate study and three to four years of related work experience.
Technical mastery of a complex discipline and /or application of theories and principles from several fields of study or operation at a level recognized as an expert by peers within the organization or Technical mastery of more than one complex science, art or discipline at a level recognized throughout the industry as an expert.

2. Purchasing Function Knowledge

Does not apply.
Knows fundamental concepts.
Knows and uses well the fundamental concepts, practices, and procedures.
Possesses and applies to the completion of moderately difficult assignments, a thorough knowledge of principles, practices, and procedures of a particular field.
Broad knowledge of an advanced technical or discipline or other professional specialized studies.
Comprehensive knowledge of an advanced and highly specialized discipline requiring extremely involved independent research and creative work.

3. Research Function Knowledge

Does not apply.
Knows fundamental concepts.
Knows and uses well the fundamental concepts, practices, and procedures.
Possesses and applies to the completion of moderately difficult assignments, a thorough knowledge of principles, practices, and procedures of a particular field.
Broad knowledge of an advanced technical or discipline or other professional specialized studies.
Comprehensive knowledge of an advanced and highly specialized discipline requiring extremely involved independent research and creative work.

4. Engineering Function Knowledge

Does not apply.
Knows fundamental concepts.
Knows and uses well the fundamental concepts, practices, and procedures.
Possesses and applies to the completion of moderately difficult assignments, a thorough knowledge of principles, practices, and procedures of a particular field.
Broad knowledge of an advanced technical or discipline or other professional specialized studies.
Comprehensive knowledge of an advanced and highly specialized discipline requiring extremely involved independent research and creative work.

5. Operations Function Knowledge

Does not apply
Knows fundamental concepts
Knows and uses well the fundamental concepts, practices, and procedures.
Possesses and applies to the completion of moderately difficult assignments, a thorough knowledge of principles, practices, and procedures of a particular field.
Broad knowledge of an advanced technical or discipline or other professional specialized studies.
Comprehensive knowledge of an advanced and highly specialized discipline requiring extremely involved independent research and creative work.

6. Logistics Function Knowledge

Does not apply.
Knows fundamental concepts.
Knows and uses well the fundamental concepts, practices, and procedures.
Possesses and applies to the completion of moderately difficult assignments, a thorough knowledge of principles, practices, and procedures of a particular field.
Broad knowledge of an advanced technical or discipline or other professional specialized studies.
Comprehensive knowledge of an advanced and highly specialized discipline requiring extremely involved independent research and creative work.

7. Marketing Function Knowledge

Does not apply.
Knows fundamental concepts.
Knows and uses well the fundamental concepts, practices, and procedures.
Possesses and applies to the completion of moderately difficult assignments, a thorough knowledge of principles, practices, and procedures of a particular field.
Broad knowledge of an advanced technical or discipline or other professional specialized studies.
Comprehensive knowledge of an advanced and highly specialized discipline requiring extremely involved independent research and creative work.

8. Sales Function Knowledge

Does not apply.
Knows fundamental concepts.
Knows and uses well the fundamental concepts, practices, and procedures.
Possesses and applies to the completion of moderately difficult assignments, a thorough knowledge of principles, practices, and procedures of a particular field.
Broad knowledge of an advanced technical or discipline or other professional specialized studies.
Comprehensive knowledge of an advanced and highly specialized discipline requiring extremely involved independent research and creative work.

9. Customer Service Function Knowledge

Does not apply.
Knows fundamental concepts.
Knows and uses well the fundamental concepts, practices, and procedures.
Possesses and applies to the completion of moderately difficult assignments, a thorough knowledge of principles, practices, and procedures of a particular field.
Broad knowledge of an advanced technical or discipline or other professional specialized studies.
Comprehensive knowledge of an advanced and highly specialized discipline requiring extremely involved independent research and creative work.

10. Finance Function Knowledge

Does not apply.
Knows fundamental concepts.
Knows and uses well the fundamental concepts, practices, and procedures.
Possesses and applies to the completion of moderately difficult assignments, a thorough knowledge of principles, practices, and procedures of a particular field.
Broad knowledge of an advanced technical or discipline or other professional specialized studies.
Comprehensive knowledge of an advanced and highly specialized discipline requiring extremely involved independent research and creative work.

11. Legal Function Knowledge

Does not apply.
Knows fundamental concepts.
Knows and uses well the fundamental concepts, practices, and procedures.
Possesses and applies to the completion of moderately difficult assignments, a thorough knowledge of principles, practices, and procedures of a particular field.
Broad knowledge of an advanced technical or discipline or other professional specialized studies.
Comprehensive knowledge of an advanced and highly specialized discipline requiring extremely involved independent research and creative work.

12. Information Technology Function Knowledge

Does not apply.
Knows fundamental concepts.
Knows and uses well the fundamental concepts, practices, and procedures.
Possesses and applies to the completion of moderately difficult assignments, a thorough knowledge of principles, practices, and procedures of a particular field.
Broad knowledge of an advanced technical or discipline or other professional specialized studies.
Comprehensive knowledge of an advanced and highly specialized discipline requiring extremely involved independent research and creative work.

13. Human Resources Function Knowledge

Does not apply.
Knows fundamental concepts.
Knows and uses well the fundamental concepts, practices, and procedures.
Possesses and applies to the completion of moderately difficult assignments, a thorough knowledge of principles, practices, and procedures of a particular field.
Broad knowledge of an advanced technical or discipline or other professional specialized studies.
Comprehensive knowledge of an advanced and highly specialized discipline requiring extremely involved independent research and creative work.

14. Quality Function Knowledge

Does not apply.
Knows fundamental concepts.
Knows and uses well the fundamental concepts, practices, and procedures.
Possesses and applies to the completion of moderately difficult assignments, a thorough knowledge of principles, practices, and procedures of a particular field.
Broad knowledge of an advanced technical or discipline or other professional specialized studies.
Comprehensive knowledge of an advanced and highly specialized discipline requiring extremely involved independent research and creative work.

15. Education Required.

Less than High School
High School or equivalent
Vocational/Technical School (e.g. secretarial school)
Associates Degree or two years of college
Bachelor’s Degree
Master’s Degree/M.B.A.

16. Specific Certification Required

No specific degree required or preferred.
Certification required i.e., CFA,
Certification required i.e. CPA, JD, MD
Certification required

17. Technical Knowledge

Understand and apply basic principles of a science, art or recognized discipline, or to understand and manage simple operations, processes or administrative functions.
Understand and apply moderately complex principles of a science, art or a recognized discipline, or to understand and manage moderately complex operations, processes or administrative functions.
Integrate and apply complex principles of a science, art or a recognized discipline, or to understand and manage complex operations, processes or administrative functions. Involves frequent application of theoretical concepts or original approaches to complete projects.
Technical mastery of a complex science, art or discipline and/or interpretation and application of theories and principles from several fields of study or operation. Involves frequent use of theoretical concepts and approaches to plan and execute complex projects.
Technical mastery of a complex discipline and/or application of theories and principles from several fields of study or operation at a level recognized as expert by peers within the organization.
Technical mastery of more than one complex science, art or discipline at a level recognized throughout the industry as expert.

Section : Decision Making

1. Issues Defined

Problems or questions are generally identified, and little clarification is necessary to define the issues.
While the problems or questions are generally identified, issues must first be defined in order to proceed.
Though not identified, the existence of problems/questions is recognized, and investigation provides necessary definition.
Recognition of problems/questions evolves through a set of occurrences or uncertainties which may not relate to actual problems.
A few vague symptoms exist with little discernible relationship to potential problems/questions.

2. Specific Information

Highly specific facts, data or records which are easily definable and point directly to the issue.
Specific facts are available? however, a few may require study or further refinement with some inquiry into related work areas.
Facts may be incomplete or in a form not readily usable. Further inquiry into related work areas is necessary to fill in gaps.
Facts may be incomplete or misleading, requiring inquiry into unrelated work areas. Occasionally assumptions must be made to fill in gaps.
Facts may be absent or difficult to isolate. Abstract reasoning or theoretical premise is primary basis for definition of facts.

3. Confidential Information

Information is not confidential.
Information is confidential, but readily accessible. If disclosed, it could have a minor impact on customers, employees, etc..
Information is confidential, limited and not readily accessible. If disclosed, it could have a considerable impact on clients or the organization.
Information is confidential, proprietary to the organization, and generally unavailable. If disclosed, it could have a significant impact on customers, employees or the organization.

4. Guidance Provided

Use standard instructions, written company procedures, documented precedents. Assigned multiple tasks with regular and frequent review of activities in progress.
Use available professional practices, guides, references with basic professional supervision. Assigned multiple tasks with work reviewed for completion of activities.
Use policies and knowledge of procedural framework with managerial discretion. Assigned specific projects and goals, and projects are checked for completion.
Use latitude for decision making and priority setting, with functional control and managerial responsibilities. Assigned long range projects and reviewed through achievement of objectives according to predefined goals.
Use breadth of business knowledge with broad latitude for decision making having primary control and executive responsibility. Sets organizational goals and reviews action through goal attainment.

5. Analysis Level

is apparent through structure of data and known techniques.
requires that data and techniques first be identified.
requires that you develop new information, establishing your own analytical methods and techniques.
requires creation and testing of concepts, hypotheses and/or theories.

6. Decision Scope

Decisions are for my own job, occasionally interacting with co-workers in my own department.
Decisions are made in conjunction with others within my department.
Decisions are made for a small team of department co-workers.
Decisions are made for a large team consisting of members from more than one department.
Decisions are made for a major division of the organization.
Decisions are made for the organization.
Decisions I am making are impacting key stakeholders outside my organization.

7. Degree of Impact

Normally cause minor delays, inefficiencies or expenses but overall objectives would still be accomplished.
Would cause moderate delays, inefficiencies or expenses and may affect scheduling in other organizations, but overall objectives would still be accomplished.
Considerable delays, inefficiencies or expenses would occur, resulting in compromises, readjustments, and/or added resources in order to attain objectives.
Considerable impact would occur affecting major programs, developments or organization objectives, impairing performance of the organization.
Would result in failure to attain organization objectives impacting profitability, and seriously impairing current and future business.
Would impact negatively key stakeholders outside the organization.
Decisions made could be life-threatening to individuals (i.e.. under a doctor’s care).

Section : Planning, Allocating Resources and Monitoring

1. Planning Type

Plan work only for myself in order to meet individual objectives or job responsibilities.
Schedule subordinates’ work in order to meet defined output requirements such as delivery schedule, service demands, quotes or other such targets.
Determine requirements within a prescribed operating plan in order to develop objectives for allocation of resources by two or more departments.
Develop plans for an organization at least the size of a division to meet major goals such as new product development, market share, return on assets, major capital appropriations and other organization wide programs.
Develop strategy which integrates plans of more than one division to achieve business growth.
Develop strategies for the entire organization.

2. Allocation of Resources

Expense budget is developed by others and allocation of resources is determined by supervisor.
Specify requirements as an input to budget development and obtain supervisory approval for deploying resources.
Develop budget for organizational unit including personnel requirements and allocate resources within budget limit to accomplish objectives.
Develop operating plan for multi-unit operation such as plant, product line or research and development program and control resources.
Management of financial planning and control for an organization unit at least the size of a division.
Develop plans to control the entire organization.

3. Time Focus

Immediate time frame (dealing with minute to minute events).
Daily/weekly time frames (dealing with events expected to occur during the course of the week or during any particular day).
Monthly time frame (dealing with events expected to occur during the course of a month).
Yearly time frame (dealing with events expected to occur during the course of a year).
One to five year time frame (dealing with events expected to occur during the course of one to five years).

4. Planning Complexity

Planning is not required since operations, programs or activities are self regulating or monitored by others.
Minimal ongoing planning is performed since operations, programs or activities are generally concluded in short time frames.
Ongoing planning is moderate, requiring periodic review of operations, programs or activities to assure appropriate sequence is being followed or identifiable phases exist which can be measured to determine if corrective action is necessary.
Ongoing planning is complex requiring regular formal review of operations, programs or activities since outcomes require interface of organizational units and resources? and results will not be known for 6 months with no discernible check points.
Ongoing planning is critical to operations, programs or activities since adjustment, modification or correction will be extremely difficult and/or lack timeliness, impairing achievement of end result.

5. Monitoring Complexity

Inspect forms, correspondence and other written materials to determine whether required information is present and/or accurate.
Check accuracy of calculations, methods, procedures, approach and/or if policy has been followed.
Compile information/data: fill out forms, record information, code information, investigate sources of information, gather and select data, and gather, tally and arrange data and information.
Analyze information: as in evaluating and examining information to establish a basis of approval or rejection? investigating to find a solution? breaking down information to identify important aspects, combining information upon which to draw conclusions, conducting research to discover new uses, approaches and applications.
Solve problems? test hypotheses to point of reaching conclusions? take actions and define solutions.

Section : Contacts and Communication

1. Identify the contacts required in your job. (Frequency)
Board Members
President CEO
Vice Presidents
2. Identify the internal contacts required in your job.? (Purpose)
Provide/Receive InformationCoordinate ActivitiesPersuade/Negotiate Sell/Counsel
Board Members
President CEO
Vice Presidents
3. Identify the external contacts required in your job.? (Frequency)?
Potential Customers
Job Applicants
Financial Institutions
Outside Counsel
Other organizations
General Public
4. Identify the external contacts required in your job.? (Purpose)
Provide/Receive InformationCoordinate ActivitiesPersuade/Negotiate Sell/CounselDirectN/A
Potential Customers
Job Applicants
Financial Institutions
Outside Counsel
Other organizations
General Public
5. Group Communications
Actively participates in meetings or group discussions.
Makes presentations or speeches in group discussions
Leads meetings or group discussions
Speaks with media (newspapers, television, radio)
6. Written Communications
Articles for publication
Form letters
Internal memoranda
Committee presentations
Press releases
Technical writing
Internal publications
7. Advisory/Technical Resources:

Little involvement in serving as a technical or professional resource to others.
Serve as a technical or professional resources to peers in my team/area.
Serve as a technical resource to my immediate manager.
Serve as a technical resource outside the team/area.
Serve as a technical resource on issues that impact on the operation and performance of the organization.
Serve as a technical resource on issues that have impact beyond the organization.
Other ????????????????????????????????

Section : Reacting to and Management of Change

1. Environment Stability

Relatively stable – Few changes must be reacted to during the normal course of one to three years.
Some or little change – Some changes must be reacted to over the course of one year.
Moderate change – Changes must be reacted to quarterly. Frequent change – Changes must be reacted to monthly.
Fluid environment – Non-stop changes must be reacted to on a daily or weekly basis.

2. Event Predictability

Events are easily foreseen, allowing a timely and planned work schedule.
Events are usually foreseen, allowing a planned work schedule most of the time, with some shifts in priorities and activities.
Events are often unforeseen, requiring significant shifts in daily priorities and activities.
Events are usually unforeseen, making the planning of work very difficult.
The accomplishments of a given day are mostly unpredictable.

3. Response to Change

Change requires adjustments to my work, which are raised and determined by my supervisor.
Change requires adjustments to my work assignments, which are raised by me for discussion with my supervisor.
Change requires a reassessment of the service my position provides to the organization? I am expected to work with my supervisor on this reassessment.
Change requires a major reassessment of the service my position provides for the organization? I am expected to design and implement changes.

Section : Creativity and Innovation

1. Creative Thought

Work within procedures, methods and activities that are well established. Improve current methods, services, programs, or technology.
Create new methods, services, programs or technology within established policies and procedures.
Create completely new methods, services, programs or technology without any precedents or standards available for reference.

2. Creative Innovative Thought

Creative/innovative thought is not required to perform this job. Little innovative thought is required to perform this job.
Develops ideas that have impact on this job.
Develops ideas that result in improvements to existing programs, services, or processes.
Develops ideas that result in the creation of new programs, services, or processes.
Innovation programs, services, processes, or products impact the entire organization.
Innovation impacts the industry.

3. Innovation
Not an important partSmall partModerate partSignificant partMajority of the position

Section : Projects

1. Project Team Activity Scope

Not applicable, you do not participate in formal project teams.
Your position requires participation in formal project teams.
Your position requires leading all parts of projects (e.g., directs a sub-team or evaluation of a specific issue).
Your position requires management of projects.
Your position requires the management of multiple large projects.

2. Project focus

Projects within my department.
Projects involving several departments or functions.
Projects involving one office, location, or portions of the organization.
Projects involving several offices, locations, or portions of the organization.
Projects involving the entire organization.

3. Project Scope

Not applicable. You are not involved in projects.
You participate in projects within a department or function.
You participate in projects that involve several departments or functions.
You participate in projects that usually involve one location or office at a time.
You participate in projects that involve several or most offices and/or locations.
Projects involving the entire organization.

4. Role in Projects

Not applicable.
Define issues.
Develop problem-solving approach.
Participate in analysis and problem-solving.
Develop recommendations.
Implement recommendations

Section : Supervisory Requirements

1. Indicate any supervisory requirements this position has. (Check One)

No supervisory responsibility.
Part-time immediate supervision of, or direction of several employees performing the same or directly related work most of the time as those supervised.
Immediate supervision over a unit, section, or department where most of the time is spent assigning, reviewing, checking work, eliminating ordinary difficulties, where procedures are standardized.
Direct supervision of two or more departments through subordinate supervisors involving responsibility for results.
General supervision of a function or several departments through subordinate managers, involving responsibility for results.
Direct and coordinate the operations of a function within a division or several major division organizational units, through subordinate managers who in turn are responsible for supervision over individual departments.
Direct and coordinate the operations of a major function for a division or several organizational units within a division. Organize work, set up standards of performance, formulate and interpret related policy.
Direct and coordinate the operation of several major functions or divisions. Organize work, establish performance standards, assist in the formulation and interpretation of “organization/group-wide policy” and establish function or division policies and controls.
Direct and coordinate the operations of a varied multi-location organization and obtain the desired results by working through presidents.
Direct and engage not only your organization but coordinate and engage individual organizations that are not formally part of your organization.

2. Leadership Role

Occasionally within my department.
Frequently within my department.
Occasionally in situations involving more than one department.
Frequently in situations involving more than one department.
My position plays a leadership role within a division.
My position plays a leadership role in my functional area.
My position plays a leadership role for the entire organization.

3. Management Actions
Not a RequirementRecommendFinal Decision
Analyzes workflow/unit performance
Allocates/checks work
Plans manpower needs/schedules work
Selects/recruits new employees
Trains employees
Coaches and counsels
Assesses employee performance
Determines salaries/grants increases
Handles grievances/complaints
Resolves conflicts/problems

Section : Comments

1. Information Included


2. The directions were easy to understand.

Strongly Disagree,
Strongly Agree

3. The questions were easy to understand.

Strongly Disagree,
Strongly Agree

4. The questions were relevant.

Strongly Disagree,
Strongly Agree

5. Additional Information

1. Yes
2. No

6. Please Discribe,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,