Job Analysis, Descriptions, Evaluation and Market Pricing for the 21st Century
The Grahall online job analysis, descriptions, evaluation and market pricing provides a single comprehensive integrated approach to understanding job complexities, documentation and worth in today’s simple and complex organizations. When employees are critical to success there is no better system for understanding and describing the positions employees hold then the Grahall Online System.
These systems have beginnings in the 1980’s and some have been in constant use and refinement over the last 40 years. Various earlier versions of the systems components have been installed in hundreds of organizations by major consulting firms around the world. By automating and providing the systems in the SaaS mode all size organizations from the very largest multi-nationals to organizations with less than 50 employees can have the same access to high quality insights on job requirements and corresponding internal and external value. The system is highly accurate, effective, and now through Grahall’s efforts user friendly, integrated and online.
Understanding the requirements of a position is one of the most important efforts an organization can make to hire, train, develop, promote, and pay employees in an effective manner. Once the position is documented in a thoughtful and disciplined manner the other over 20 important uses for the information are easily downloaded from the system. These uses in addition to job analysis, descriptions, and evaluations range from recruiting criteria, selection questions, career pathing, promotion criteria, performance management factors, succession planning and of course comparable worth and many others.

Grahall Online Job Analysis System (GoJas)
The first of the four systems is the job analysis system and represents the foundation for the other applications. This system provides nine different approaches to understanding a position. Much like the Russian Matryoshka doll concept the GoJas approach provides a choice of nine different questionnaires that help document the details for a position. Those questionnaires progress from open ended “whole job” questionnaires to “factor level” to “competencies” to “dimensions” to “skills” and “tasks”. The user can choose the level of detail that they determine is needed to understand the position.

Grahall Online Job Description System (GoDas)
The second of the four systems is the job description system and produces multiple levels of detailed job descriptions either directly from the job analysis system foundation or from a series of progressively detailed independent job description questionnaires. This system provides nine different outputs that document the nuances of a position. Also like the Russian Matryoshka doll concept the GoJds approach provides a choice of nine different questionnaires that help document the job and create a corresponding job description. The user can choose the level of detail that they determine is needed to document the position. Common positions may be analyzed and documented from 100,000 prewritten job descriptions on file while other positions can be more completely understood by using the factor, competency, dimension, skill, task or hybrid level questionnaires.
Grahall Online Job Evaluation System (GoJes)
The third of the four systems is the online job evaluation system which allows the user to apply multiple levels of job evaluation approaches to generate fair and detailed job evaluations either directly from the job analysis system foundation or from a series of progressively detailed job evaluation approaches developed by Grahall experts. This system provides five different outputs that evaluate the nuances of a position. Also like the Russian Matryoshka doll concept the GoJes approach provides a choice of five different approaches that evaluate the job and create a corresponding job hierarchy. The user can choose the level of detail from whole job slotting, to career pathing to factor to dimension based upon their organization’s needs.
Linked to Grahall Paidfairly Market Pricing
The job analysis, description and evaluation systems are also linked to Grahall’s Paidfairly market pricing module for the determination of key competitive pay rates calculated by position, geography, industry and organization size. This is the most accurate pay information on the market. We analyze employer-reported pay data and create comprehensive reports based on revenue, industry, and location. Our pay information is based on pay values statistically derived from survey responses across all company sizes, industry types, and locations. Choose from among 1,000,000 job titles with THE MOST ACCURATE PRICING in the industry. Data validity: The competitive levels of pay have been checked by creating economic models of the various firms at the different stages of development and matching that to our consulting experience with our clients.